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Congri rice

    300 g red beans
    800 g of white rice
    800 ml red bean broth
    1 large white onion
    6 to 12 cloves of garlic
    1/2 green pepper
    1/2 red pepper
    (You can replace the peppers with a few chili peppers)
    1/2 teaspoon ground oregano
    1/2 teaspoon cumin
    1 large bay leaf
    4 tablespoons of vegetable oil
    salt to taste
    1 drizzle of vinegar
    2 tablespoons of lard

There are many ways to prepare congrí, depending on the region of the country, such as Ajiaco for example. We have already talked about congri cubano before, of course, it is however relevant to clarify our recipe.
So this is the way it is made in Havana, and throughout the Western region for that matter, and that I love cooking so much.
Here at home we prefer to accompany congrí with pork steaks with onions, or fried pieces of pork, or grilled chicken and fried ripe plantain. But in reality, congrí goes well with almost everything and would thus be considered a jewel of Cuban culinary art, an undeniable part of the nation's identity.

Preparation :
The night before, wash and soak the red beans. I must clarify that it can be made with black beans, but in this case it is Moros y Cristianos, a sister dish of congrí in Cuban cuisine, which also includes bacon in its elaboration.
The next morning, cook them with the same soaking water, the bay leaf, a piece of chili pepper and a pinch of salt, until they are tender, about 30 minutes.
Once cooled and you can handle them, measure out 800ml of stock and separate the grains.
In the pan that you are going to cook the congrí (I recommend using an iron pan, or the pressure cooker), put the oil to heat, and brown the chopped onion, the chili pepper and a few pods of crushed garlic until onion is transparent, around 5 minutes.
You then add the rice (which you have already washed, of course) to this sauce and stir well for a few seconds so that it is well impregnated with the fat and seasonings.
Then you add the beans and repeat the same process as with the rice, stirring well for a few seconds so everything is mixed.
Then you add the broth you already measured, plus the cumin, oregano, and salt.
You cook over high heat until boiling, then stir it and lower the heat, letting it cook over low heat, covered, until the rice is very tender.
Separately, saute a few more crushed garlic cloves with the additional 2 tablespoons of fat and add them to the already cooked rice with the drizzle of vinegar and a final pinch of cumin. Mix well and it's good.
When you're finished, cut a bitter orange (or limes) into wheels and place them on top of the rice. Cover it and leave it like that for about 10 or 15 minutes before serving.
This will give it a subtle, exquisite citrus flavor!
Bon appetit to all Cuba enthusiasts.

Congri rice

Passion Varadero  - Formulaire entrée cuba francais - Hôtel de varadero - Cuba, Varadero, Dviajero, Hotels et Bagage cabine

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