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Honey Chicken

    ▪︎1 chicken (1200 to 1500 g for 4 to 6 people) cut into pieces.
    ▪︎200 g of bee honey.
    ▪︎100 g of mustard.
    ▪︎the juice of 4 to 5 squeezed limes.
    ▪︎1 small piece of finely cut ginger.
    ▪︎a few cloves of garlic, chives and finely cut parsley.
    ▪︎half a dozen small peppers or a pepper cut into small pieces.
    ▪︎a pinch of pepper, salt and curry.
    ▪︎1 white onion.
    ▪︎CUBAY lemon liqueur.

The chicken pieces will be soaked for two to three hours in a sauce prepared from a mixture of mustard, lime juice, honey and the spices mentioned above.
We will then simmer this chicken with all the ingredients until the sauce reduces to a certain thickness and the chicken pieces become caramelized.
Just before turning off the heat, add 100 ml of lemon liqueur, or rum, to flambé and serve hot immediately afterwards, with white onions, cooked sweet potatoes and avocado salad.
Peeled and chopped sweet potatoes should be cooked for only 5 minutes in a pressure cooker, or even in a bain-marie for a little longer. These are very tender roots.
They can also be served with honey. This is a real treat...and not just for the bees.
Enjoy your meal, enthusiasts.

Honey Chicken

Passion Varadero  - Formulaire entrée cuba francais - Hôtel de varadero - Cuba, Varadero, Dviajero, Hotels et Bagage cabine

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