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Mosquitoes and sand fleas - These little critters that really annoy us!

Writer's picture: Passion VaraderoPassion Varadero

Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Mosquitoes can be voracious in Varadero

Here is a testimony from Martine Simoneau on mosquitoes and I completely second it.

“Mosquitoes in Cuba are voracious and you don't necessarily feel them immediately... and I speak with knowledge of the facts because I react enormously to their bite (it swells to a diameter the size of a $0.25.... each bite!).

The trick: we apply a repellent as soon as the sun goes down but also as soon as there is NO wind. Morning and evening are the worst times. But not everyone gets bitten… my boyfriend and my son are spared while I get eaten! »

The worst time is at dusk! As soon as I see the first one, I put on mosquito repellent cream and cover my arms and legs. It doesn't usually last very long fortunately, unless you're in a very humid area or under trees.

Everyone has their own solution!

Some people swear by “Skin so Soft”, a product from the Avon company or Watkins cream. Others praise lemongrass, camphor and… many other things!

There are only two components that have demonstrated certain effectiveness (scientific studies), including DEET. A product containing at least 30% is recommended. Watkins cream is one such product and several members have confirmed its effectiveness.

This article published in Le Soleil in June 2018 is absolutely a must-read!

For itching, Benadryl seems to relieve the greatest number of people.

Sand fleas (not to be confused with bed fleas)

Some very useful tips:

  • Use a cream that states that it is effective against sand fleas

  • Remove the sand from our body as soon as we return to sit in our chair

  • Use a thick beach towel if lying directly on the sand

  • Rinse well in an outdoor shower before returning to the room

  • Change your towel as soon as you leave the beach (do not bring it back to your room)

  • Do not leave anything on the bed that you bring from the beach (books, clothes, etc.)

Several members have told us that a few drops of lavender essential oil added to water and used in a small spray bottle acts as a repellent for several small critters including bed fleas.

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