Know the services covered outside Quebec
When you travel outside Quebec, you can receive health care covered by the Quebec Health Insurance Plan if you have a valid health insurance card. However, in most situations, we do not reimburse the full amount of the costs you will have to pay. The covered portion of services received abroad depends on several factors: length of the trip or stay outside Quebec, destination, etc. You can check the conditions of your coverage abroad by consulting the page Inform the RAMQ of a departure from Quebec .
Private insurance: to avoid unfortunate consequences
We recommend that you obtain private insurance before your departure. In fact, we do not fully reimburse health services received outside Quebec. If you do not have private insurance at the time of receiving these services, the unreimbursed portion will be your responsibility. You can obtain information about private insurance from the Ombudsman des assurances de personnes (OAP) This link will open in a new window. .
Travel or stay in Canada
Professional services
Professional services include services provided by a physician, dentist or optometrist , if they are covered in Quebec. We reimburse professional services up to the rates in effect in Quebec, even if you pay a higher amount.
How to proceed
When you receive care in a private office or at the hospital, you must present your Quebec health insurance card . The doctor can accept the card or refuse it, if he does not agree to be paid according to the rates in effect in Quebec.
If the doctor accepts the card : you do not have to pay for the care. We pay the doctor for the services rendered.
If the doctor refuses the card : you must pay the doctor the fees he demands. Afterwards, you can ask us for a refund . Make sure you obtain and keep the following documents:
Surgical protocol, if you have undergone major surgery
Original invoices and receipts (credit card payment statements or photocopy of the front and back of cashed checks, which specify the name of the hospital or health care professional)
Hospital services
Hospital services include services insured by the hospital insurance plan , either services related to a hospital stay or services provided at a hospital outpatient clinic. Here are some examples:
Some diagnostic procedures
Room accommodation (3 beds or more)
Medications administered during hospitalization
You do not have to pay for hospital services received. We pay the associated costs in full , since there is an interprovincial agreement concerning this type of service. Don't forget to present your health insurance card!
Examples of reimbursed services
Travel or stay outside Canada
Professional services
Professional services include services provided by a physician, dentist or optometrist, to the extent that they are covered in Quebec. We reimburse professional services up to the rates in effect in Quebec , even if you pay more.
How to proceed
If you have private insurance and visit a hospital or private practice, you can ask the doctor to forward the bill to your insurance company.
If you do not have private insurance , you must pay the doctor the fees he or she charges. You can then ask us for reimbursement . Be sure to obtain and keep original invoices and receipts (credit card payment statements or photocopies of the front and back of cashed checks that show the name of the health care professional).
Hospital services
Hospital services include services insured by the hospital insurance plan, either services related to a hospital stay or services provided at a hospital outpatient clinic. Here are some examples:
Some diagnostic procedures
Room accommodation (3 beds or more)
Medications administered during hospitalization
We reimburse hospital services provided following a sudden illness or accident. The established amounts are:
$100 CAD maximum per day of hospitalization
$50 CAD maximum per day for care received at a hospital outpatient clinic
We also reimburse up to CAD$220 for hemodialysis treatment and related medications, whether or not your condition requires hospitalization.
How to proceed
If you have private insurance , you can request that the hospital forward the bill to your insurance company. They will request reimbursement for you.
If you do not have private insurance , you must pay for the services received. You can then ask us for a refund . The amount reimbursed for hospital services will be determined based on the rates in effect in Quebec. Make sure you obtain and keep the following documents:
Surgical protocol, if you have undergone major surgery
Original invoices and receipts (credit card payment statements or photocopy of the front and back of cashed checks that specify the name of the hospital or health care professional)
Examples of reimbursed services
Special coverage
Certain situations allow you to benefit from special coverage and to extend it to your spouse and dependent children. Under certain conditions, health insurance covers you during a stay outside Quebec if you are:
In studies
Unpaid internship
Employed by the Government of Quebec
Working for a non-profit organization
Consult the page Informing the RAMQ of a departure from Quebec to check if you can benefit from the specific coverage in your situation.
When you have special coverage, we pay, under certain conditions, the full cost of hospital services received in an emergency and 75% of other costs. However, if you go on holiday outside your place of study, internship or work, this coverage is no longer in force and the usual coverage for hospital services applies. In all cases, special coverage does not apply to professional services.
Services not covered
Some health services received outside Quebec are not covered by the health insurance plan. If you did not take out private insurance before your departure, you must pay for them in full. Here are some examples:
Services provided by a professional other than a physician, dentist or optometrist
Costs for a private or semi-private room in the hospital
Emergency transport (land or air)
Repatriation of a person to Quebec
Medications purchased outside Quebec, even if prescribed by a doctor (before leaving Quebec, if you take medication regularly, check with your pharmacist to see if you can get the medication you will need during your absence)
Request for review
You can request a review of a RAMQ decision. To learn more, see the Request a review of a decision page.