Until now, to make phone calls to another country, users had to dial :
From a landline: the prefix 119
From a cell phone: prefix 00
However, with the new update, networks will be unified and will now use the 00 code in both cases.
Please note: For mobile telephony, the "+" symbol can still be used when dialing an international number. (Source : Cibercuba)
How to call from a Cuban landline to Canada
📞From a landline in Cuba:00 + 1 + area code + phone number
Example to call a number in Quebec (area code 418): 00 1 418 XXX XXXX
📱 F rom a Cuban cell phone:
Enter the "+"sign , followed by 1, then the area code and phone number.
Example: +1 514 XXX XXXX
💡 Tip: If someone doesn't know how to dial the "+" sign on their cell phone, they can use 119 instead.
Example: 119 1 450 XXX XXXX