Daily Price - Departure from Montreal Double Occupancy | Daily Price - Departure from Quebec Double Occupancy |
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Here's why you should travel in a group with Passion Varadero
One or more Passion Varadero guides at the destination
Free seat selection (block given to group)
Possibility of departure from some cities in Quebec
3 themed evenings per trip INCLUDED (White Ball, Private BBQ and The “Wow” Dinner)
Activities are private to Passion Varadero members (no other tourists = total freedom of time management)
All transportation to activities will be provided by convertible
A Cuban guide from Passion Varadero available throughout your stay to answer your questions
Reserved VIP seats on the beach and at the pool (some hotels)
The freedom to follow the group during our activities. You prefer to stay solo, no problemo!
You will be identified Passion Varadero, so some advantages. (hotel and even in the center)
Possibility of being paired with another member of the Passion Varadero group for accommodation
and several surprise activities....
And what's more, our shared passion for Varadero will make us experience unforgettable moments!