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Canada-Cuba and Quebec-Cuba Relations

Canada-Cuba Relations

Canada-Cuba relations date back centuries, with trade links established as early as the 18th century. Ships from Atlantic Canada traded products such as cod and beer for sugar and rum with Cuba. Since then, this relationship has evolved into a diplomatic and commercial partnership that continues to this day.


In 1945, formal diplomatic relations were established between the two countries, with Cuba becoming the first Caribbean country with which Canada opened a diplomatic mission. Despite the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Canada maintained its relations with the new regime of Fidel Castro, distinguishing Canada from the United States and other nations that cut ties with Cuba.

Relations have remained strong through the decades, despite tensions over Cuba's involvement in the Angolan Civil War and espionage activities carried out from Cuban consulates in Canada in the 1970s. Canada's independent foreign policy, marked notably by Pierre Trudeau's historic visit to Cuba in 1976, has strengthened ties between the two countries.

Economic relations

In 1994, a joint venture between Canadian company Sherritt International and Cuba's Nickel Union marked a milestone in trade relations. Today, Cuba is one of Canada's major trading partners in the Caribbean, with over $1 billion in goods traded annually.

Diplomatic representation

Canada has had an embassy in Havana since 1945, while Cuba has an embassy in Ottawa and consulates in Montreal and Toronto.

Quebec-Cuba Relations

Quebec also maintains important relations with Cuba, particularly since the signing of a joint declaration of cooperation in 2016. This agreement aims to strengthen ties in sectors such as the economy, research and innovation, as well as culture.


The Quebec Office in Havana, inaugurated in 2017, plays a central role in supporting Quebec companies wishing to invest or trade with Cuba. Regular trade missions, particularly during the Havana International Fair (FIHAV), contribute to the development of these economic relations.

Research and innovation

Quebec is also involved in collaborative research projects with Cuba, such as the agreement signed in 2016 between the Fonds de recherche du Québec and BioCubaFarma, aimed at developing neuroscience technologies.


Cultural collaboration between Quebec and Cuba has also grown. In 2018, Quebec participated for the first time in the month of La Francophonie in Havana, strengthening artistic exchanges between the two societies.

These bilateral relations demonstrate a lasting commitment between Quebec and Cuba, fostering collaborations in various key areas for both parties.

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