Here are some phrases that you can write on small pieces of paper and give to the staff members you wish to thank (with a tip or a small gift for example):
The day after our arrival, we left a little gift on the pillow with a little note: "Gracias a ti que vas a velar poer nuestra comodidat" - Thank you for taking care of our comfort.
"Thank you for your excellent work" - Gracias por su excelente trabajo.
“Thank you for your very good work” - Gracias por su muy buen trabajo.
“Thank you for your excellent service” - Thanks for your excellent service.
“Thank you for your very good service” - Gracias por su muy buen serivicio.
"Thank you for your help" - Gracias por su ayuda.
“Thank you for taking care of the gardens” - Gracias por cuidar los jardines.
“Thank you very much” - Muchas gracias
Slipping a note with a gift allows them to prove that it was indeed a present they received if they are asked questions. ;-)